Company Information

View from the ground of the top of a blue glass office building

Prudential Trust Finance is an independent AIM listed finance company lending to small UK businesses through a variety of Asset Finance, Invoice Finance, Loans and Vehicle Finance. The company’s route to market is a mixture of direct and via finance brokers who pass business to Prudential Trust Finance in return for a commission.

Country of Incorporation and Operation

Prudential Trust Finance plc is incorporated in England and Wales.

The main country of operation is the United Kingdom.

Registered office: St James House, The Square, Lower Bristol Road, Bath, BA2 3BH, UK

Registered number: 05845866

Regulatory Documents

Admission Documents

Articles of Association

UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers

As an AIM traded UK registered company, Prudential Trust Finance plc is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.

The above information has been disclosed pursuant to Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies. Information last updated 21 October 2021.