Providing Funding to Prudential Trust Finance

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Prudential Trust Finance plc (Prudential Trust Finance) is an AIM-listed independent provider of funding to the UK business sector through Asset Finance, Invoice Finance, Loans and Vehicle Finance.

Prudential Trust Finance currently funds its growing portfolio through a mixture of routes including block discount funding, debt funding and back-to-back funding and is constantly exploring ways to fund the increasing demand for new business volumes.

A number of parties, including high net worth individuals often through SIPP funds, have expressed an interest in providing loan funds to Prudential Trust Finance. Prudential Trust Finance does consider approaches from individuals, companies or other entities, who are wishing to explore the possibility of making a secured loan to Prudential Trust Finance. The terms on which Prudential Trust Finance might, in appropriate cases, be prepared to enter into such an agreement will always be agreed on a case by case basis. As such, detailed terms are not displayed on our website. However, management feels the rates are competitive and draw your attention to the fact that a higher rate of interest is offered for funds over £500,000 when compared to those of a smaller amount. It is also worth noting that amounts of less than £200,000 will not be considered.

Points of Consideration

Prudential Trust Finance has been trading since 2000 and became a public company, listed on the AIM market of The London Stock Exchange in 2006. Its trading is governed by strict on-going financial and legal requirements and obligations and the management team have worked hard to establish strict underwriting and collection procedures, which has contributed to the Company’s increasing profitability and strong balance sheet.

The Company is audited multiple times a year via its Block Discount Funders, its Secured Loan Note partners and its Back-to-Back funders in addition to its regulatory annual statutory audit.

Prudential Trust Finance has never missed a loan repayment during its years of trading.

Loan Security

Your loan will be used to finance a number of Lease or Loan Agreements. Every one of these Agreements will be assigned to you as security for your loan.

During the life of your loan, Prudential Trust Finance will manage your portfolio of Lease and Loan Agreements on your behalf. We will ensure that you always have an aggregate value of 120% of the amount of your outstanding loan, providing you with a significant level of excess security. In the unlikely event that a Lease or Loan Agreement within your portfolio defaults, Prudential Trust Finance will replace it with another Lease or Loan Agreement so that your cover ratio is maintained.

You will also have the guarantee of Prudential Trust Finance plc.


Any party which approaches Prudential Trust Finance for the purpose of entering into negotiations for the making of a loan or loans to Prudential Trust Finance does so at its own risk and must itself take responsibility for its assessment of its commercial, legal and tax position and for the taking of its own professional advice, should it enter into any such arrangement.

Nothing on this website should be construed as an offer or commitment on the part of Prudential Trust Finance or any of its subsidiaries to borrow from any party or to borrow on any specific terms. Please also refer to the terms and conditions of use for this website.

The above information has been disclosed pursuant to Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies. Information last updated 7 December 2020.