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22 Apr 2022 /

Supporting young professionals: an insight into working at Prudential Trust Finance as an intern

Aspiring marketer, Esme French, recently joined our Manchester office for a Marketing Internship. Working alongside our Senior Marketing Manager, Kate Brown, Esme has been able to spend the last few weeks gaining an invaluable insight into the world of marketing and financial services as well as connecting with key people in our organisation and expanding her network. We spoke to Esme to understand how the Marketing Internship has benefited her.

1. How would you describe your work experience placement at Prudential Trust Finance?

It has been amazing. I have loved being able to have a very hands-on approach with all aspects of their marketing strategy while shadowing Kate Brown, their Senior Marketing Manager. Throughout my experience, Kate has been a brilliant mentor to me. She’s given me advice, explained each area of their marketing strategy, helped me to understand the company and teach me things about marketing I wasn’t aware of. The whole experience has been very valuable to me and will help me progress my career as a marketer.

2. What was your favourite thing about working here?

What I most enjoyed was being able to see how their marketing strategy is defined and implemented. From an outside perspective, I was very impressed by their marketing activities and strength of the brand, but to gain a unique insight into how this is formed was particularly interesting.

I’ve also found the working environment to be friendly, welcoming and supportive. Every colleague has made me feel like a valued member of the team and I will be sad to leave.

3. How would you describe Prudential Trust Finance to others?

Despite them having over 150 employees, it really felt like a dedicated and close-knit team of employees who all support each other through their careers. Overall, I can see that Prudential Trust Finance is a rewarding company to work for. Not only does it offer a lovely workplace environment for employees but by offering financial services and solutions it helps businesses to thrive which is lovely to see.

4. What new skills or techniques have you learnt during your placement?

Completing this work experience has helped me gain important skills that are transferrable across all areas of marketing. I have learnt how to effectively target key audiences through email marketing on Mailchimp, plan and schedule paid and organic social media posts, uncover SEO tactics, upload a continuous flow of dynamic content to a website, conduct detailed competitor analysis, produce creative design work, learn how to effectively partner with agencies, and finally, measure success through analytics.

5. How has it changed your perception of starting your career in marketing?

I now realise I want to begin my marketing career as soon as possible. I think it was very valuable for me to be able to have a hands-on approach with multiple areas of marketing and experience what kind of working environment I would best thrive in. It has definitely encouraged me to start the next phase of my career in digital marketing – particularly in the paid media area of marketing. I feel so motivated to begin!

6. Would you recommend graduate / training schemes or internships to other young professionals looking to kickstart their careers?

I would definitely recommend any form of training scheme or internship to any young professional looking to progress their career. Personally, I have found completing my marketing internship as one of the most eye opening and valuable things I have done. Not only have I been able to apply the skills I’ve previously learnt, but I’ve been able to build on these further and expand my knowledge.

This internship has helped me to further define what I want for my career path at such a crucial stage in my life. Any experience that can help you gain important transferrable skills and give you an insight into the working world, is worth doing!

7. Why do you think internships are so important for professional development?

I think internships are important for professional development because of the networks and connections you can build around you. You can quite quickly learn from others – whether it’s from their experience in the working world and how to behave in a professional environment as well as how to prepare for your future job role. They give you an insight into the working world you won’t be able to receive from anywhere else.

8. What do you think the most valuable part of having a mentor is?

The most valuable part of having a mentor is being able to benefit, learn from and turn to someone who is willing to help you excel in your career. From my experiences so far, I’ve learnt that a great mentor will have your best intentions at heart when offering advice and helping you. Kate has personally helped me to learn about areas of marketing I wasn’t already familiar with whilst providing careers guidance, helping me to build my network and meet new people, whilst showing me all that Manchester has to offer.

9. What advice would you give other young professionals who are looking to gain experience?

Put yourself out there and do it. Any form of internship or training will most certainly benefit you in the future, whether that’s for your personal or professional development. You’re able to gain skills that can’t be attained anywhere else and it will solidify your goals for the future.