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man stood infront of yellow digger

19 Jul 2022 / Market Research

Scaling back investment will have a wider economic impact, warns Prudential Trust Finance as new data shows that businesses are making huge sacrifices due to rising costs, with one in five unable to invest in growing their business.

male and female workers looking at invoices

07 Jul 2022 / Market Research

In the wake of UK inflation reaching a 40-year high of 9.1%, Prudential Trust Finance reveals its latest data around the cost of doing business crisis, with 91% of UK SMEs forced to hike their own prices in order to keep up with soaring operational costs.

Grey London skyline

22 Jun 2022 / Market Research

New data from Prudential Trust Finance has revealed the scale of impact on UK SMEs as the cost of doing business continues to rise, with 72% of businesses currently preparing for an imminent recession.

Container ship export import

16 Mar 2022 / Market Research

As rising costs continue to threaten the progress UK businesses are making towards a more sustainable supply chain, Prudential Trust Finance is calling for SMEs to seek financial support to keep up the momentum from COP26 and continue investing in a more sustainable future. The call to action comes following Prudential Trust Finance’s Going Green survey, which found that an impressive 70% of businesses across the UK already make conscious choices to employ a sustainable supply chain as part of their wider carbon reduction strategies.

Solar panel office

07 Mar 2022 / Market Research

Pressure is being felt by smaller businesses to compensate for larger corporations falling behind when it comes to reducing carbon emissions, according to new research from Prudential Trust Finance.

green forest recycle

09 Feb 2022 / Market Research

The UK’s North and South divide continues to widen as businesses begin their journey on the road to Net Zero, according to new findings from Prudential Trust Finance. Exploring business efforts to “Go Green” in the New Year, the alternative finance provider found that whilst 70% of the UK business owners surveyed have already implemented measures to become more sustainable (from partnering with sustainable suppliers to investing in electric vehicles and other eco-friendly machinery), the findings paint a concerning picture of regional challenges and setbacks.

electric car charging

09 Feb 2022 / Market Research

The journey to net zero is set to accelerate in 2022 as new research from Prudential Trust Finance reveals that business leaders are planning to implement strategies to reduce their carbon footprint and improve their green credentials over the next 6 months. The survey which explored business efforts to go green found that firms in the South of the UK are leading the charge, with 100% already having plans in place to reduce their carbon footprint - from partnering with sustainable suppliers to investing in electric vehicles and other eco-friendly machinery cited as the main areas for driving change.

electric car road wind turbine

09 Feb 2022 / Market Research

Just 50% of Northern business leaders have a strategy in place to reduce their carbon footprint despite the Government’s 2050 net-zero target, according to new research by Prudential Trust Finance.

22 Nov 2021 / Invoice, Market Research

Late payments are threatening the survival of British businesses, in-depth analysis by leading alternative finance provider, Prudential Trust Finance, reveals. Uncovering the true impact of late payments, Prudential Trust Finance found that challenges with cashflow and unfulfilled growth ambitions were the greatest knock-on effects holding businesses back.

invoice laptop business owner

04 Nov 2021 / Invoice, Market Research

New data from Prudential Trust Finance reveals that an astonishing 70% of businesses are suffering from late payments from their customers. Uncovering the true severity of the issue, the leading alternative finance provider found that late payment debt was as high as £200,000 for 1 in 5 business owners.

Two women in the office hallway chatting

19 Oct 2021 / Market Research

Investing in new personnel has become a top priority for UK businesses, according to a recent survey conducted by Prudential Trust Finance. The alternative finance provider found that one in three firms are planning to expand their workforce, with 90% to start the recruitment process within the next 6 months.

Electric car charging

14 Oct 2021 / Vehicle, Market Research

New data released by Prudential Trust Finance reveals a huge steer in direction from British Business, with a dramatic increase in demand for electric vehicles up 241% from last year.

A woman sat at a desk writing on a notepad

13 Sep 2021 / Market Research

Alternative Finance is ranked the highest amongst funding solutions as businesses seek investment in future growth as the Government’s pandemic support draws to a close.

Man and woman standing in front of open shop

13 May 2021 / Market Research

Two thirds of businesses are feeling optimistic about the future according to the latest survey by alternative finance provider, Prudential Trust Finance. The findings come as the Bank of England upgrades its growth forecast to 7.25% for 2021 from 5% in better-than-expected bounce back results.