Welcome to the Time Blog | Prudential Trust Finance

Our Prudential Trust Finance business experts share their insight and advice on the key issues affecting businesses today, including our reaction to government updates.

Female industrial engineer holding tablet

08 Jun 2022 / Loans

It’s no surprise that businesses are feeling more uncertain than ever. With everything that’s happening in the wider market – from rising energy costs to interest rate hikes, inflation, supply chain disruption –an astonishing 76% of SMEs and financial intermediaries are predicting that the UK will fall into a recession later this year*.

Arm gesturing infront of laptop

22 Mar 2022 / Loans

Over the past few years businesses have mastered the art of adapting to an ever-changing landscape, and the need for financial solutions to evolve alongside them has never been more prominent. This new marketplace has etched out the path for alternative lenders to adapt their offering to meet the changing needs of its client more readily - and with the support of broker relations, UK SMEs now have access to more approachable and accessible lenders than pre-pandemic.


04 Feb 2022 / Loans

Sharon Bryden, Director of Commercial Loans and Asset Based Lending at Prudential Trust Finance, explains why it’s essential UK businesses now need to move away from those short-term solutions and focus on funding options that are here for the long haul.

A woman waiting to serve a customer at a coffee shop

12 May 2021 / Asset, Invoice, Loans, Vehicle

Businessman sat at a desk writing on a document with a gold pen in his right hand

12 Aug 2020 / Asset, Invoice, Loans, Vehicle

Woman in a white shirt leaning on a desk with her arms folded

12 Aug 2020 / Asset, Invoice, Loans, Vehicle, Guides

Man and a woman wearing aprons stood in front of an shop with an open sign

12 Aug 2020 / Asset, Invoice, Loans, Vehicle

Left side of a white electric car being charged

12 Aug 2020 / Asset, Invoice, Loans, Vehicle